Learn how to note your child's attendance on any given day, what to do when they are sick or absent and find out what happens over statutory holidays.
Please fill in the time of your arrival and departure in the daily ‘sign in and out’ sheet which is displayed in the reception area. In an emergency this ‘sign in’ sheet is used to ensure all the children are accounted for. If you wish to increase or decrease the hours/days your child is booked to attend, a notice period of one week is required.
If you are planning to remove your child from the Centre you are required to give two week’s notice in writing. In the event of two week’s notice not being provided, fees will be required to be paid until the notice period has expired.
If my child is sick
As stated in our Illness Policy and the consent you have provided in the Enrolment Form, children are not to be brought to the Centre when they are unwell and/or suffering any condition that is capable of being transmitted to other children. Please keep children at home if they show any of these symptoms – High temperature, unidentified rash, inflamed throat, sore/red eyes, upset stomach. Ministry of Health Regulations state that children can return to the Centre 48 hours after symptoms reside. We would appreciate a phone call to inform us of any sickness or absence.
If your child is able to return to the Centre, but is on medication, we can assist with this. The medication register must be filled out and signed by parents every day that medication is required. For long term medication, such as asthma, you can fill in a Medication Action Plan which give authority to staff to administer when required.
The Centre shall be entitled, in the event of a medical emergency to seek appropriate medical advice or treatment as they consider necessary in the best interests of the child and if necessary, to take the child to hospital in an ambulance. The Centre shall immediately contact the parent and/or emergency contact in the event of an unwell child requiring medical treatment. The parent and/or emergency contact will be required to collect the child as soon as possible.
Who can pick up my child?
Children may only leave the Centre with:
The Centre must be made aware of any custodial issues and confidentially will be maintained at all times.
The Centre is licensed by The Ministry of Education until 6 pm Monday to Friday and must close strictly at this time. Your child must be collected no later than this. Please contact the Centre if due to unforeseen circumstances you are unable to collect your child prior to the Centre closing. A fee of $1 per minute (after 6:00pm) will be added to your account.
The last day the Centre is open each year will be 23 December then closes during the 3 days between Christmas and New Year. The Centre will reopen on 3 January, following the holidays. Exact dates each year will be given out prior to Christmas. Fees will not be charged for the 3 days and statutory days surrounding this date. (7 days in total). Children who have been enrolled at the Centre for a minimum of three months are entitled to a maximum of two weeks’ holiday per year. Pro rata dependent on the days and weeks of attendance within the holiday year. The number of holidays will be calculated from the date of enrolment at a rate of 50% of the regular parent portion of weekly fees, calculated after deduction of any discounts or subsidies. The Holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December of the same year and unused days are not able to be carried over to the following year unless there are special circumstances. Holiday days are not able to be redeemed for cash.
A notice period of two weeks is required prior to the first day of the holiday. We reserve the right to charge full fees in the event of the notice period not being provided.
If your child is absent over their entitled holiday allocation the full fee will be charged to hold their place at the Centre.
Full fees are applicable for any statutory holiday that falls on a day when your child would normally attend throughout the year except Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day and 2 January.