August 01, 2018

We are often asked “What is the process when my child moves to the next class?” 

We have a very robust and successful transitioning process and you are kept very well informed throughout this.

As children are getting older the staff will take groups of these children for play visits in their new classroom so the children can see what this space looks like and become familiar with faces. These are done about once per week a few months before the transitioning begins.

Read steps 1-5 for a smooth transition

  1. You will receive a letter detailing the dates for when the transition starts and the day they will be part of the new room. The process usually takes one week, however for some children we may allow extra time for this to take place.
  2. A transitioning report is filled out by the staff in the ‘new’ room and will be sent home each day so you can see how they went.
  3. The visits in the new room start off short – usually about 2 hours. Each day these visits gradually get longer allowing your child to take part in new daily routines like mat times, lunch and sleeping in their new room.
  4. On the Thursday, you will collect your child from their new room where you can meet the staff, then the following morning (Friday) we ask you to drop your child off in the new room. 
  5. During this process the staff from both rooms communicate each day on how the visits are going and they make changes if required to best suit the child.