August 02, 2018

The Centre is a provider of 20 hours ECE Early Childhood Education for three, four, and five year old children.


About 20 hours (ECE)

  • The purpose of 20 Hours ECE is to reduce cost barriers so more children can benefit from participation in ECE (early childhood education).
  • 20 Hours ECE is a higher rate of funding based on the full average cost of providing ECE to the regulated standard.
  • Under 20 Hours ECE, the government fully funds ECE for up to 6 hours a day and 20 hours per week for eligible children.
  • While it is not compulsory to offer 20 Hours ECE, all licensed ECE services and kōhanga reo can offer 20 Hours ECE.


What is the eligibility for 20 hours ECE?

  • Eligibility for 20 hours ECE begins on the child’s third birthday and ends on the child’s sixth birthday.
  • 20hours ECE is available for up to six hours per day for a maximum of 20 hours per week.

How are fees charged?

  • Tadpoles is an all day Centre, open 10.5 hrs per day, fees will be charged for the days and hours when the 20 free hours are not available.
  • The fees charged will only be for the hours not covered by the provision of 20 hours ECE
  • View all fees

How do I apply?

  • Hours requested by the parent for 20 hours ECE forms part of the Enrolment Form.
  • Parents will be given a form to sign for ECE hours if your child turns 3 while attending and fees will change in accordance to this.

Need more info on ECE?